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Cataloxy - online catalog of companies in the state of Nova ScotiaCataloxy:free advertising spacelargest online catalog advertise your goods and services create your own business website post your company jobs Details Cataloxy — is a free-to-use advertising space designed to help your business attract more customers via the Internet in the state of Nova Scotia. You can simply register your company in our catalogue and start attracting search engine users on target requests. You will have an opportunity to place catalogues of your products and services, jobs, news and create your corporate website easily!
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District Sales Manager, from 50000$ Company: Kognitive Sales Solutions, Halifax Company: Kenny U-Pull North Bay, Lantz Operations Manager, 60000$ - 68000$ Company: Rentokil Initial, Halifax
Company: Dentalcorp, Bedford Company: MDSearch, Little Narrows
Company: MUFG Investor Services, Halifax
Mailroom Clerk, 31844$ Company: American Income Life AO - Sara Vaz, Halifax
Commercial Garage Door Technician, 52000$ - 83200$ Company: PowerPlay Staffing, Dartmouth
Company: Sodexo Canada Ltd, Bayfield
General Application, 41600$ - 62400$ Company: Atlantic Equipment Services, Waverley |